(A Complete Solution and Cure for liver disorders in broilers and layers)
- Contains specially designed bio~active herbals and bio molecules which prevents and cure all types of liver disorders in broiler and layers.
- Mostly liver effected by mycetoxins, endotoxins, chemical toxins in feed environmental factors. pathogenic microbes and feed conservation efficiency of poultry flock.
- Preprietary biomolecules protect the liver from pathogenic microbes and enhance the liver cell metabolism.
- Prevents the deposition of excess fat in liver due to improper metabolism in liver cell and GIT.
- Protect the liver from all types of mycotoxins by neutralization and stimulates the liver funtion.
- Enhance the liver secretions to maintain the healthy digestion and ehance the mobilization of unwanted molecules deposited in liver.
- Perform a key role in rejuvenation of damaged liver cells properly and effectively.
- Minimizes liver damage and enhance Hepato, Kidney functions.
- Improves growth, FCR, Fertility and hactcability.
- Stimulates depressed appetite due to toxins.
Each 10 grams of EUROLIV contains
- Protein hydrolysate — 120 mg.
- Biomolecule blend — QS
- Stabilizers — QS
- Preservatives — QS
- Proprietary blend of proved herbal powders — QS suitable for effective action.
- Double distilled water with conductivity less than 25 micro siemens — QS.
EUROLIV Contains:
- Proprietary blend of proved herbal powders Use 1 Kg of EUROUV — QS suitable for effective action
- Biomolecuie blend - QS.
- Carrier - QS.
25 kgs HDPE Paper bags.
Use 1 Kg of EUROUV — C/Ton of Feed
Use 10—20 ml of EUROLIV - C-Liquid / 100 Birds.